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These private flu vaccines are suitable for those aged 5 to 64 years and aren’t eligible for the free government funded vaccine.

Private flu vaccines are $15 for Medicare card holders!

At Currimundi Family Doctors we pride ourselves in delivering a quality and efficient service.

Flu season is creeping up quickly and it’s our job to ensure our patients are well informed about risks associated with influenza and the importance of receiving the influenza vaccination.
The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications, including pneumonia. The flu is spread by contact with fluids from coughs and sneezes.
It is estimated that flu contributes to over 3,000 deaths in Australia each year.
In some cases of the flu, severe illness and complications such as pneumonia and bronchitis can develop, which can result in hospitalisation and even death. The flu can also make some existing medical conditions worse.
Some people are at higher risk of severe complications associated with the flu. They include:

  • Pregnant Women
  • People Aged Over 65
  • Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander People
  • All Children Younger Than Five Years Of Age
  • People With Chronic Medical Conditions.

*The above patients are eligible for the government funded influenza vaccines*
The initiative is in response to high rates of influenza among young Queensland children seen this year.

Influenza causes substantial illness in children and vaccination is proven to reduce a child’s risk of contracting influenza and suffering from its complications. This initiative will expand on the current program offered through the National Immunisation Program (funded vaccine for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from 6 months to less than 5 years of age and for children over 6 months with conditions predisposing to severe influenza).

Vaccinating young children will also protect the wider community by reducing the circulating influenza strains.
